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The CPC1000 console has a thermostatic mixing valve for safe operation without risk of burning. Optionally, it is possible to add a spray disinfection including a 4 L reservoir with lock and a collector (sink drain) container for proper use with a shower stretcher.

  • Degrees of autonomy
  • Benefits
  • Review

Degrees of autonomy

  1. Ambulatory, but may use a cane for support
  2. Can support herself to some degree
  3. Usually sits in wheelchair, but is able to partially bear weight on its legs
  4. Sits in wheelchair. Almost no capacity to support herself and cannot stand unsupported.
  5. Almost completely bed ridden. Passive resident, totally dependent and physically demanding for caregiver.
Equipment & degrees of autonomy (PDF)


Benefits for nurses

  • Shower system and easy to use disinfection.
  • Cleaning and disinfection easy and fast.
  • Thermostatic mixer and scald for a high level of security protection.


Benefits for managers

  • Quality and long life.
  • Very good cost / performance ratio.
  • Low cost of maintenance and spare parts.


Benefits for residents

  • Allows a safe personal hygiene.
  • Scald protection.
  • Solid and stable construction.


Benefits for technical servicess

  • Using components of recognized brands.
  • Easy maintenance and inexpensive.
  • Free technical support by phone ConfortMédic.


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