The CDA4000 is the most widespread and most standard model stretcher shower, available in electric version for height adjustment and tilt. The stretcher shower has a comfortable mattress 2 inch thick and semi-rigid sides remain in place. The maximum capacity is 400 lb and the tray is available in widths of 24 or 28 inches.
- Degrees of autonomy
- Benefits
- Review
Degrees of autonomy
- Ambulatory, but may use a cane for support
- Can support herself to some degree
- Usually sits in wheelchair, but is able to partially bear weight on its legs
- Sits in wheelchair. Almost no capacity to support herself and cannot stand unsupported.
- Almost completely bed ridden. Passive resident, totally dependent and physically demanding for caregiver.
Benefits for nurses
- Shower solution reliable and secure
- Electric adjustment easy and silent
- Remote control of the height and tilt
- Control pedals (handsfree) available as an option
Benefits for managers
- All stainless steel tray (without corrosion)
- Parts and components locally sourced 95%.
- Low cost and high performance.
- Spare parts and low maintenance cost.
Benefits for residents
- Greater comfort with thicker mattresses
- Material softer and warmer pad for body
- Allows full body wash hygienically
Benefits for technical servicess
- Components of renowned manufacturers (actuator, etc.)..
- Well established and proven over the years technology.
- Designed for institutional environment.
- Free technical support by phone at ConfortMédic.
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